10 Pregnancy Must-Haves

Okay, so, with this being my first pregnancy, when I was in my first trimester all I did was read blog posts about must-haves and pregnancy essentials. It's amazing to see how everyone's lists differ. I thought I'd compile my own list of items that I've not been able to live without these past 7 months.
|Click the link on any of the pictures or the pink text, to go directly to where I purchased them from|

First up, the Pregnancy Pillow. I think this was one item that every blog post I read had in common - and looking back, when I purchased one (around week 12) I probably didn't even need it yet. I had a tiny little bump, so it was still pretty easy to get comfy in bed. My issue though, is that I'm a tummy-sleeper, so from the earlier stages of pregnancy I think this conditioned me to stay sleeping on my side. 
Now, however, is a different story. I'm 33 weeks pregnant, and so dependant on this pillow to get to sleep, it's ridiculous...
So for those of you who are looking at the above picture and thinking 'how on earth does that even work?' like I did, it's so easy. Look at it like a letter 'G' - I lie on my side, and the top part of the G I use as a cushion for my head, and the bottom curly part I put between my legs with the long connecting part running along my back. It's great because it prevents me from rolling onto my back as well, as this can be pretty uncomfortable on the old bladder.

Second, but probably most important are prenatal vitamins. I've been taking the Vitabiotics Pregnacare Max since the very beginning of my pregnancy (even before I'd got that positive test - read my first blog post My Pregnancy; From the Beginning for more details on my 'trying for a baby' journey). It's recommended by midwives and doctors to take folic acid vitamins during pregnancy, but we decided to get these specific ones despite them being slightly more costly, due to the extra Omega-3 capsule which contributes to normal foetal brain and eye development.
On top of this, I've found that not only are they great for the baby's development, but I've seen an overall improvement in the condition of my hair, my skin is completely clear, and my nails just won't stop growing (and for a short-nail enthusiast, my nail clippers have never been so high in demand!)

So, number three is definitely maternity leggings. Before I got pregnant I was never really a big legging wearer, so I was convinced that I would be that pregnant person who would don tights and beautiful floaty high-neck dresses. Or maternity jeans and a jumper. And some people can, and do, and I am admittedly jealous of those people. However, I am carrying all front, and my bump for my frame is pretty big. Add that to the swollen ankles and that pretty much rules out restricting tights. I've tried maternity jeans, and although they look great, comfort is key. I personally feel much more comfortable in legging material than jean material - I suppose a great compromise would be a 'Jegging'. 
However, I have purchased numerous pairs of maternity leggings; both under the bump and over the bump. My preference is definitely over the bump. For me, the more support I can get, the better.

Comfortable, supportive and functional underwear are an absolute must have! Many women find that their breasts get bigger and harder during pregnancy. For me, this was one of my first symptoms. By my second trimester I had gone up 2 cup sizes, and 1 back size, so it was completely impossible for me to try and squeeze into my bras. And I don't know about you, but I also found that wearing my normal wired bras were what I imagine being tortured is like. There are so many maternity friendly bras out there, so I've just linked one of the many Nursing Bra's that I purchased from H&M, not only because I loyally recommend it due to the comfort and support, but I think that maternity bras can often look unflattering and this is one of the prettiest one's I've come across.
Second, on the subject of underwear, are bump bands. I've never really used them for what I believe they're designed for; to cover up the fact that we can't fasten our jeans anymore! I actually wear them for extra support, particularly if I've got an under-the-bump pair of leggings on.. However, very soon I reckon I'll be moving on to actual support bands.

Moisture. I can't stress how much moisturising has become an obsession. Before I fell pregnant I only ever used to moisturise my body after a bath. Now I moisturise first thing in the morning after my shower with E45 Lotion - which is great for post-exfoliation when my skin feels dry and flaky, particularly on my stomach (I also use this on my face morning and night and my skin feels amazing!) Then in the middle of the day, usually when I've been wearing leggings or anything tight against my skin, my bump can start to feel a bit itchy from all of the stretching that's happening. This is where I swear by the Palmers Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks. Don't get me wrong, it's a bit of a pain as the formula is so thick that you can't really put your leggings back over the top, but it definitely stops the itching immediately.. And now I'm on maternity leave I tend to just lie on the bed and scroll through Instagram or Pinterest whilst it's drying.
Then finally, just as I'm getting into bed, I apply a generous layer of Bio-oil onto my stomach, boobs and hips and stick a lose fitting top over it - I find that it does transfer onto my clothing slightly, so the top stops me from losing half of the product to my bed sheets as I move around in bed.
Now, I'm no expert, so I am by no means saying that following this routine will prevent you from getting stretch marks - it massively depends on your skins elasticity. However, what I find these three products do do, is prevent the skin on my stomach and boobs from feeling tight and itching... And there's no stretch marks yet, so that's a plus.

Sticking with the theme of skin elasticity, my next essential is the obvious H20! My midwife actually advised me that moisturising is completely pointless if I'm not keeping my skin hydrated by drinking water... She didn't really need to tell me that twice though - does anyone else find themselves thirsty every 2 minutes or is it just me!? Since about 5 weeks pregnant, when the sickness and nausea started, I've been drinking a 2L bottle of water every day. Ice is great, too. So are slushy's.

Next on the list (and something I'm using right now) is a Microwavable wheat bag, a heat pad or even a hot water bottle. I'm well into my third trimester now, so there's not really many parts of my body that don't ache. And since early in my second trimester I have been suffering with trapped nerves in my rib cage - not nice. Since I'm avoiding using paracetamol or any pain killers that are pregnancy-safe, if necessary, I resorted to a heat pad to dull the pain. Don't get me wrong, at times it's so bad that it doesn't stop the pain from hurting, but believe me it makes it so much more bearable. 
If unlike me, you're lucky enough to not have any rib issues or any trapped nerves anywhere, then just use a heat resource as a way of fighting off any dull aches you may have. 

Treat your feet, ladies! I mean, personally I probably would never have thought about getting myself a foot spa, despite all the complaining I do about throbbing feet. But thankfully my in-law's are amazing, and decided to treat me... And what a treat it is! This is the exact one they got for me from Argos and I can not recommend it enough (and I don't think Adam can either, because he no longer has to massage my feet!)
Also, on the subject of feet, I've been recently using Soap & Glory's Heel Genius Foot Cream to both follow up the foot spa, or even after a relaxing bath at night... Now this obviously doesn't get rid of aching feet, but at least they'll feel super soft and smell great.

Heartburn and indigestion has been a bit of a funny one for me. I suffered with it slightly in the very early stages of pregnancy, then it completely disappeared until around 4 weeks ago. Even now though, it's not something that I constantly suffer with, it usually comes on around 2am and one morning I could have it excruciatingly bad, and another it will just feel like I need a good burp.
Nevertheless, since the very first day I had it all those months ago, my medicine cupboard and my handbag have both been fully stocked with Gaviscon and Rennies - there's nothing worse than just sitting and trying to fight off Heartburn!

So my final must-have is a dark chocolate indulgence once in a while. I am that person who would take dark chocolate over the sugary crap any day! I tend to look for anything with high cocoa content in it, as it includes a decent amount of fibre and is packed with minerals - that way I get away with eating all the more of it!
For me, not only does it taste great, it's also an antioxidant and offers a great pick-me-up, combating those crazy hormones! 

So if like I was, you're in the early stages of your pregnancy - particularly if it's your first and everything is so new and daunting - then I hope at least one product on this list has helped. Reading posts like this certainly helped me!

Enjoy pregnancy ladies, it's a beautiful thing.


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